@book{jackson_becoming_2020, address = {New York}, title = {Becoming human: matter and meaning in an antiblack world}, isbn = {978-1-4798-9004-0 978-1-4798-3037-4}, shorttitle = {Becoming human}, abstract = {""Becoming Human" explores matter and meaning in an antiblack world"--}, publisher = {New York University Press}, author = {Jackson, Zakiyyah Iman}, year = {2020}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, book methods, book revision, book thesis, book thesis—nominalism, book thesis—poiesis, eugene box 25, must cite, must read, natural law constitutionalism, poiesis}, }
@book{ore_lynching_2019, address = {Jackson}, title = {Lynching: violence, rhetoric, and american identity}, isbn = {978-1-4968-2408-0 978-1-4968-2159-1}, shorttitle = {{LYNCHING}}, language = {English}, publisher = {University Press of Mississippi Press}, author = {Ore, Ersula J.}, year = {2019}, note = {OCLC: 1061092252}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, april 18 intro draft, bibliography for possible project, book revision, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, book revision—peña-rodriguez, book thesis—ethos, book thesis—racial formation, eugene box 24}, }
@article{naputi_archipelagic_2019, title = {Archipelagic rhetoric: remapping the {Marianas} and challenging militarization from “{A} {Stirring} {Place}”}, volume = {16}, issn = {1479-1420}, shorttitle = {Archipelagic rhetoric}, url = {https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14791420.2019.1572905}, doi = {10.1080/14791420.2019.1572905}, abstract = {Engaging critical rhetorical fieldwork in the Mariana Islands archipelago, this article destabilizes colonial naming projects and US federal control that dispossess island places from Indigenous peoples. On Euro-American and military maps, archipelagoes are depicted as distant, tiny, empty, or merely (is)lands for US geostrategic control. I argue for a remapping of the Marianas as expansive, oceanic sites of resistance to colonial cartographic violence and US militarization. Fieldwork in the Marianas demonstrates how Indigenous epistemologies function as archipelagic rhetoric enacted through a Chamoru sense of place. I examine these fluid relational connections to place and their implications for decolonization.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2020-01-28}, journal = {Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies}, author = {Na’puti, Tiara R.}, month = jan, year = {2019}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, archipelagic rhetoric, book methods section, book revision 2025—book methods old citations, book revision methods section, different things the same, naval nostalgia, naval shits, naval shits and analytic method, naval shits and decolonial method}, pages = {4--25}, }
@article{chakravartty_communicationsowhite_2018, title = {\#{CommunicationSoWhite}}, volume = {68}, issn = {0021-9916}, url = {https://academic-oup-com.pitt.idm.oclc.org/joc/article/68/2/254/4958972}, doi = {10.1093/joc/jqy003}, abstract = {Abstract. Racial inequalities and the colonial legacies of White supremacy permeate scholarly and public discussions today. As part of an ongoing movement to d}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2018-05-07}, journal = {Journal of Communication}, author = {Chakravartty, Paula and Kuo, Rachel and Grubbs, Victoria and McIlwain, Charlton}, month = apr, year = {2018}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {254--266}, }
@article{davies_violent_2017, title = {Violent {Inaction}: {The} {Necropolitical} {Experience} of {Refugees} in {Europe}}, issn = {1467-8330}, shorttitle = {Violent {Inaction}}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.pitt.idm.oclc.org/doi/10.1111/anti.12325/abstract}, doi = {10.1111/anti.12325}, abstract = {A significant outcome of the global crisis for refugees has been the abandonment of forced migrants to live in makeshift camps inside the EU. This paper details how state authorities have prevented refugees from surviving with formal provision, leading directly to thousands having to live in hazardous spaces such as the informal camp in Calais, the site of this study. We then explore the violent consequences of this abandonment. By bringing together thus far poorly integrated literatures on bio/necropolitics (Michel Foucault; Achille Mbembe) and structural violence (Johan Galtung), we retheorize the connections between deliberate political indifference towards refugees and the physiological violence they suffer. In framing the management of refugees as a series of violent inactions, we demonstrate how the biopolitics of migrant control has given way to necropolitical brutality. Advancing geographies of violence and migration, the paper argues that political inaction, as well as action, can be used as a means of control.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2017-07-02}, journal = {Antipode}, author = {Davies, Thom and Isakjee, Arshad and Dhesi, Surindar}, month = jan, year = {2017}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, sovereignty}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, }
@article{eligon_after_2016, title = {After {Racist} {Episodes}, {Blunt} {Discussions} on {Campus}}, issn = {0362-4331}, url = {http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/07/education/edlife/university-of-missouri-struggles-to-bridge-its-racial-divide.html}, abstract = {Addressing a racial crisis, the University of Missouri is finding that diversity isn’t enough to undo a decades-old problem. Today’s mantra is inclusion. ... College officials have spent decades rolling out one initiative after the next, from scholarships to summer bridge programs to race-conscious admissions, to attract students from underrepresented populations. Since 1980, the percentage of blacks and Hispanics among those attending higher education institutions has more than doubled, from 13 percent to 28 percent in 2014, while the white population has dipped to about 52 percent from 84. Yet administrators might have been missing a trickier truth: Diversity is one thing, inclusion is another. Yes, colleges have brought more minorities to campus. But that has not necessarily meant success. The four-year graduation rate for black students who started college in 2007 was 21 percent, a mere 1 percentage point higher than for the 1996 cohort. (At the same time, the rate for white students went up 7 percentage points, to 43 percent.) According to the latest data from the Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange, a quarter of black students left their campus after freshman year, compared with 16 percent of white students.}, urldate = {2016-02-09}, journal = {The New York Times}, author = {Eligon, John}, month = feb, year = {2016}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Race and education, USW facebook, affirmative action, book revision 2025—early citations, diversity and inclusion, michigan cases, parents involved, race and education article, swann}, }
@article{livingston_organizing_2016, title = {Organizing {Priorities}: {The} {Problem} with {ENDA} and {Burwell}}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, journal = {QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking}, author = {Livingston, Amy and Kurhajec, Anna}, year = {2016}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings}, }
@misc{noauthor_lynch_2016, title = {Lynch v. {Arizona}}, volume = {136}, month = may, year = {2016}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {1818}, }
@misc{martin_scalia_2016, title = {Scalia {Was} {Almost} {Never} {The} {Most} {Conservative} {Justice} {On} {The} {Supreme} {Court}}, url = {http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/scalia-was-almost-never-the-most-conservative-justice-on-the-supreme-court/}, abstract = {With the death of Antonin Scalia on Saturday, the Supreme Court lost not only its longest-serving justice but also the most outspoken member of its conservative wing. A careful analysis of his tenu…}, urldate = {2016-02-17}, journal = {FiveThirtyEight}, author = {Martin, Andrew D.}, month = feb, year = {2016}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Judicial argument, Legal rhetoric, Roberts, SCOTUS, popular law, public opinion, scalia, supreme court and public opinion}, }
@article{cohen_ask_2016, title = {Ask a {Feminist}: {A} {Conversation} with {Cathy} {J}. {Cohen} on {Black} {Lives} {Matter}, {Feminism}, and {Contemporary} {Activism}}, volume = {41}, issn = {0097-9740}, shorttitle = {Ask a {Feminist}}, url = {http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/685115}, doi = {10.1086/685115}, abstract = {Herein, Sarah J. Jackson interviews Cathy J. Cohen on the potentials for feminist theory in racial justice movements. Topics addressed include the barriers and bridges between activists and academics, the unique ways in which race and gender intersect in state violence, challenges for feminist academics of color engaged in activism, and the shape of the \#BlackLivesMatter movement.}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-12-08}, journal = {Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society}, author = {Cohen, Cathy J. and Jackson, Sarah J.}, month = jun, year = {2016}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, race and rhetoric}, pages = {775--792}, }
@misc{cole_therealuw_2016, title = {\#{TheRealUW} {Don}’t {Get} it {Twisted}}, url = {https://medium.com/@kennethrcole/therealuw-don-t-get-it-twisted-8c780bdb0b1c#.gdux125dn}, journal = {Medium}, author = {Cole, Kenneth}, month = mar, year = {2016}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{adler_race-conscious_2016, title = {Race-conscious university admissions policies survive {Supreme} {Court} review}, url = {https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/06/23/race-conscious-university-admissions-policies-survive-supreme-court-review/}, abstract = {The Supreme Court, per Justice Anthony Kennedy, upholds the use of race in admissions by the University of Texas.}, urldate = {2017-02-06}, journal = {The Volokh Conspiracy}, author = {Adler, Jonathan H.}, month = jun, year = {2016}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, sotomayor hagmiography}, }
@misc{chavez_public_2016, title = {A {Public} {Affair}: {Student} activists fighting racism at {UW} and abroad}, url = {https://www.wortfm.org/student-activists-fighting-racism-at-uw-and-abroad/}, abstract = {How are student activists defending their rights and addressing racism on campuses? What is the Blind Side movement and how does it coincide with other movements—the Coalition, UW Blackout and other statewide organizing? On today’s show, Karma Chavez talks with Sanaz Raji about student of color organizing in the UK. Later she talks with Shenell Edwards …}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, author = {Chávez, Karma and Raji, Sanaz and Cole, Kenneth}, collaborator = {Stentz, Molly}, month = mar, year = {2016}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{richman_friedrichs_2016, title = {Friedrichs {Is} {Dead}; {Labor}’s {Crisis} {Is} {Not}. {The} ‘{Scalia} {Dividend}’ {Is} a {Rare} {Opportunity} for {Unions}.}, url = {http://inthesetimes.com/working/entry/18870/friedrichs-cta-scalia-scotus-supreme-court-unions-labor}, urldate = {2016-02-17}, author = {Richman, Shaun}, month = feb, year = {2016}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, First Amendment, Freidrichs, Judicial argument, academic labor, judicial decisionmaking, labor}, }
@book{haritaworn_queer_2015, address = {New York and London}, title = {Queer necropolitics}, isbn = {978-1-138-91508-4}, language = {English}, publisher = {Routledge}, editor = {Haritaworn, Jin and Kuntsman, Adi and Posocco, Silvia}, year = {2015}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero}, }
@article{dryden_this_2015, title = {This {Is} the {Family} {I} {Chose}: {Broadening} {Domestic} {Partnership} {Law} to {Include} {Polyamory}}, volume = {36}, shorttitle = {This {Is} the {Family} {I} {Chose}}, url = {http://digitalcommons.hamline.edu/jplp/vol36/iss1/6}, number = {1}, journal = {Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy}, author = {Dryden, J.}, month = apr, year = {2015}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, romer v evans effects and emergent rights}, pages = {162--188}, }
@book{calafell_monstrosity_2015, address = {New York}, title = {Monstrosity, performance, and race in contemporary culture}, isbn = {978-1-4331-2738-0 978-1-4331-2737-3}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, author = {Calafell, Bernadette Marie}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Intersectionality, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, academic labor, book revision 2025—early citations, campbell annotations, eugene box 26, labor, monstrosity, queer inscriptions, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, town business, woman of color}, }
@misc{opinion_of_king_circuit_judge_brumfield_2015, title = {Brumfield v. {Cain}}, volume = {808}, author = {{Opinion of King, Circuit Judge}}, month = dec, year = {2015}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {1041}, }
@misc{smith_recent_2015, title = {Recent {Amendments} to the {Child} {Protection} {Clearance} {Requirements}}, abstract = {On July 1, 2015 Governor Wolf signed into law legislation amending Pennsylvania’s Child Protection law in ways that will affect the decision as to who at the University will need to complete the child protection clearances. It is important to note that while these changes provide relief for the University and other institutions of higher education, they do not eliminate the University’s requirement to have clearances completed on employees who have direct contact with minors. During the next several weeks, working with the University leadership and the Office of General Counsel, the Office of Human Resources will be providing additional clarification and direction. During this reevaluation period, we want to highlight two significant changes to the law: (1) Employees that have direct contact with minors who are “matriculated students” (students enrolled in an institution of higher education) that are under 18 years of age ARE NOT required to complete the clearance process. (2) Employees that have direct contact with prospective students visiting a campus operated by the institution of higher education ARE NOT required to complete the clearance process. In the 3D memo that was distributed last week it was also announced, that effective immediately we are suspending, until further notice the requirement that “ALL” newly hired employees must obtain child clearances. However, if a new employee will have direct contact with minors, and these minors are not matriculated students or prospective students visiting one of our campuses, they must still obtain those clearances as a condition of employment. If applicable, this requirement then must be reflected appropriately in their offer letter.}, urldate = {2015-07-31}, author = {Smith, Katherine Eriksen and Ferber, Stephen M}, collaborator = {{"Those included in the hiring of staff and students"}}, month = jul, year = {2015}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, sex offense}, }
@article{adams_ferguson_2015, title = {Ferguson to {Madison}: {A} {Black} {Queer} {Synopsis}}, shorttitle = {Ferguson to {Madison}}, url = {http://ourlivesmadison.com/article/ferguson-to-madison-a-black-queer-synopsis/}, abstract = {Freedom Inc.’s M. Adams makes the case for intersectionality and why Black rights and queer rights are inextricably bound together.}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {Our Lives Magazine}, author = {Adams, M.}, month = jan, year = {2015}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{chavez_critiques_2015, title = {Critiques on {Marriage} {Equality}}, url = {http://www.wortfm.org/critiques-on-marriage-equality/}, journal = {A Public Affair}, publisher = {WORT}, author = {Chávez, Karma R.}, collaborator = {Brandzel, Amy and Nair, Yasmin and Stentz, Molly}, month = jul, year = {2015}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, }
@incollection{haritaworn_queer_2015, address = {New York and London}, title = {Queer politics and anti-blackness}, isbn = {978-1-138-91508-4}, url = {http://www.deanspade.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Necropolitics-Collection-Article-Final.pdf}, language = {English}, booktitle = {Queer necropolitics}, publisher = {Routledge}, author = {Bassichis, Morgan and Spade, Dean}, editor = {Haritaworn, Jin and Kuntsman, Adi and Posocco, Silvia}, year = {2015}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, like race analogy, marriage cases, race and education article, teaching argument, teaching race}, pages = {191--210}, }
@misc{opinion_of_sotomayor_j_brumfield_2015, title = {Brumfield v. {Cain}}, volume = {135}, author = {{Opinion of Sotomayor, J.}}, month = jun, year = {2015}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {2269}, }
@article{west_analogizing_2015, title = {Analogizing {Interracial} and {Same}-{Sex} {Marriage}}, volume = {48}, issn = {1527-2079}, url = {https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_rhetoric/v048/48.4.west.html}, abstract = {“Like race” analogies have been critiqued from various perspectives, and this article enters that conversation to engage those criticisms from a rhetorical perspective. In short, this article makes a case for resisting proscriptive judgments about these analogies until they have been contextualized and afforded their complexity as rhetorical figures. A rhetorical perspective of analogies engages them not as truth statements or as part of propositional logic (a monological view of communication) but instead as invitations to explore similar sets of relationships that are qualified through continued dialogue (a dialogical view of communication). Through a case study of a highly recirculated issue of the Advocate, this essay demonstrates the productive possibilities and limitations of analogical reasoning.}, number = {4}, urldate = {2015-12-09}, journal = {Philosophy and Rhetoric}, author = {West, Isaac}, year = {2015}, note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 48, Number 4, 2015{\textless}/p{\textgreater}}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Isaac West, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, anti-antinormativity, anti-establishmentarian, anti-identitarian hermeneutics, bibliography for possible project, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, like race analogy, post-racial queer, queer of color, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {561--582}, }
@article{makoul_ygb_2015, address = {Madison, WI}, title = {{YGB} organizer says queer movement needs to take a stand with {Black} {Lives} {Matter}}, url = {https://badgerherald.com/news/2015/04/29/ygb-organizer-says-queer-movement-needs-to-take-a-stand-with-black-lives-matter/}, abstract = {Discusses the intersection of police violence against black people in the LGBT community .}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {The Badger Herald}, author = {Makoul, Maddie}, month = apr, year = {2015}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@article{honig_three_2014, title = {Three {Models} of {Emergency} {Politics}}, volume = {41}, url = {http://boundary2.dukejournals.org/content/41/2/45.full.pdf}, number = {2}, journal = {boundary 2}, author = {Honig, Bonnie}, year = {2014}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Legal rhetoric, Race and education, book revision 2025—early citations, parents involved, race and education article, sovereignty, swann}, pages = {45--70}, }
@misc{echeverria_bloga_2014, title = {La {Bloga}: {A} {Conversation} with {Verónica} {Reyes} on {Bordered} {Lives} and {Poetry}}, shorttitle = {La {Bloga}}, url = {http://labloga.blogspot.com/2014/02/a-conversation-with-veronica-reyes-on.html}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {La Bloga}, author = {Echeverria, Olga Garcia}, month = feb, year = {2014}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@article{olivas_three_2014, title = {Three {Questions} for {Verónica} {Reyes} {Regarding} {Her} {Debut} {Poetry}...}, url = {https://lareviewofbooks.org/interview/three-questions-veronica-reyes-regarding-debut-poetry-collection-chopper-chopper/}, abstract = {VERÓNICA REYES is a self-described “Chicana feminist jota poet from East Los Angeles.” And there is little doubt that she is also well on her way to making a name for herself in the poetry world. Reyes earned her BA from California State University, Long Beach, and an MFA from University of...}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {The Los Angeles Review of Books}, author = {Olivas, Daniel}, month = feb, year = {2014}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@book{bailey_butch_2013, address = {Ann Arbor}, title = {Butch queens up in pumps: gender, performance, and ballroom culture in {Detroit}}, isbn = {978-0-472-07196-8 978-0-472-05196-0}, shorttitle = {Butch queens up in pumps}, publisher = {University of Michigan Press}, author = {Bailey, Marlon M.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, anti-marriage, black labor, book revision 2025—early citations, queer family, queer labor, race and education article, race and rhetoric}, }
@misc{noauthor_hollingsworth_2013, title = {Hollingsworth v. {Perry}}, volume = {133}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {2652}, }
@book{chavez_queer_2013, address = {Urbana}, series = {Feminist media studies series}, title = {Queer migration politics: activist rhetoric and coalitional possibilities}, isbn = {978-0-252-03810-5 0-252-03810-X 978-0-252-07958-0 0-252-07958-2}, shorttitle = {Queer migration politics}, publisher = {University of Illinois Press}, author = {Chávez, Karma R.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, april 18 intro draft, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, campbell annotations, chavez on queer status quos, eugene box 24, hard cover, public address 2016—speaker sources, queer of color in rhetoric, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, }
@misc{noauthor_us_2013, title = {{US} v. {Windsor}}, volume = {133}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {2675}, }
@article{goodnight_personal_2012, title = {The {Personal}, {Technical}, and {Public} {Spheres} of {Argument}: {A} {Speculative} {Inquiry} into the {Art} of {Public} {Deliberation}}, volume = {48}, issn = {10511431}, shorttitle = {The {Personal}, {Technical}, and {Public} {Spheres} of {Argument}}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=ufh&AN=78347488&scope=site}, abstract = {Argument spheres are symbolic constructions that shape the expectations of interlocutors who engage in the activities of theoretical and practical reasoning. These communicative contexts offer a range of taken-for-granted- as-reasonable rules, norms, procedures and styles of engagement. These grounds may appear stable, even natural, yet their relationships and boundary conditions become contested through controversy. Such struggles invite critical communication inquiry. This essay examines the extended threat to the political public sphere by cultures of expertise that substitute media spectacle for genuine deliberation.}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-03-06}, journal = {Argumentation \& Advocacy}, author = {Goodnight, G. Thomas}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, april 18 intro draft, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {198--210}, }
@misc{noauthor_perry_2012, title = {Perry v. {Brown}}, volume = {671}, month = feb, year = {2012}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, marriage cases, nominalism chapter, race and education article}, pages = {1052}, }
@article{zarefsky_goodnights_2012, title = {Goodnight's "{Speculative} {Inquiry}" in {Its} {Intellectual} {Context}}, volume = {48}, issn = {10511431}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=ufh&AN=78347489&scope=site}, abstract = {The article discusses the controversy on argument fields tackled by author G. Thomas Goodnight in his essay "The Personal, Technical and Public Spheres of Argument: A Speculative Inquiry Into the Art of Public Deliberation". It is stated that this essay received the National Communication Association's Woolbert Award. Goodnight introduced three spheres, namely personal, technical and public, which he transformed from categories of social behavior to categories relevant to deliberation. The author says that Goodnight's formulation positions argumentation as a core constituent of social life.}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-03-06}, journal = {Argumentation \& Advocacy}, author = {Zarefsky, David}, year = {2012}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {211--215}, }
@article{russell_this_2012, title = {This is {What} a {Dictionary} {Looks} {Like}: {The} {Lexicographical} {Contributions} of {Feminist} {Dictionaries}}, volume = {25}, issn = {0950-3846}, shorttitle = {This is {What} a {Dictionary} {Looks} {Like}}, url = {https://academic-oup-com.pitt.idm.oclc.org/ijl/article/25/1/1/951152/This-is-What-a-Dictionary-Looks-Like-The}, doi = {10.1093/ijl/ecr013}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-03-01}, journal = {International Journal of Lexicography}, author = {Russell, Lindsay Rose}, month = mar, year = {2012}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {1--29}, }
@article{black_voluntary_2011, title = {Voluntary {Desegregation}, {Resegregation}, and the {Hope} for {Equal} {Educational} {Opportunity}}, volume = {38}, url = {http://www.americanbar.org/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/human_rights_vol38_2011/fall2011/voluntary_desegregation_resegregation_and_the_hope_for_equal_educational_opportunity.html}, number = {4}, journal = {Human Rights Magazine}, author = {Black, Derek W.}, year = {2011}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, }
@book{bernstein_racial_2011, address = {New York}, series = {America and the long 19th {Century}}, title = {Racial innocence: performing {American} childhood from slavery to civil rights}, isbn = {978-0-8147-8707-6 978-0-8147-8708-3 978-0-8147-8709-0 978-0-8147-8978-0}, shorttitle = {Racial innocence}, publisher = {New York University Press}, author = {Bernstein, Robin}, year = {2011}, note = {OCLC: ocn733284457}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations}, }
@article{blair_arguments_2011, title = {The {Arguments} of the {Tombs} of the {Unknown}: {Relationality} and {National} {Legitimation}}, volume = {25}, issn = {0920-427X, 1572-8374}, shorttitle = {The {Arguments} of the {Tombs} of the {Unknown}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10503-011-9216-9}, doi = {10.1007/s10503-011-9216-9}, abstract = {In the wake of the First World War, a new form of commemoration emerged internationally, but in each case focused upon a new kind of national “hero”—the unknown soldier or warrior. The first instances appeared in France and Britain in 1920, followed by the United States in 1921, and Belgium in 1922. Other nations followed suit over the years, with the most recent WWI Unknown Soldier monument dedicated in 2004, in New Zealand. The motivational calculus of these national tombs was, of course, the massive number of combatant dead whose remains could not be identified. This paper takes up the two very different arguments composed by these commemorative sites. The first argument was directed to surviving family members and was articulated most explicitly by the French as a hypothetical enthymeme “this could be your husband, your father, your brother,” etc. The second argument has been directed to national and international collectives as a constitutive proclamation of legitimated nation-state or Empire Although this argument is particularly explicit in postcolonial gestures of independence on the part of former dominions of old empires, it was evident in even the earliest cases of the tombs of the unknown.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2017-02-14}, journal = {Argumentation}, author = {Blair, Carole and Balthrop, V. William and Michel, Neil}, month = nov, year = {2011}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, bibliography for possible project, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, race and education article}, pages = {449--468}, }
@article{diangelo_white_2011, title = {White {Fragility}}, volume = {3}, copyright = {Copyright (c)}, issn = {2157-1074}, url = {http://libjournal.uncg.edu/ijcp/article/view/249}, abstract = {White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium. This paper explicates the dynamics of White Fragility.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-07-17}, journal = {The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy}, author = {DiAngelo, Robin}, month = may, year = {2011}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, }
@book{eng_feeling_2010, address = {Durham}, title = {The feeling of kinship: queer liberalism and the racialization of intimacy}, isbn = {978-0-8223-4715-6}, shorttitle = {The feeling of kinship}, publisher = {Duke University Press}, author = {Eng, David L.}, year = {2010}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, april 18 intro draft, bibliography for possible project, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, book thesis, cited in kulturkampf draft article, eugene box 23, kulturkampf, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, }
@book{honig_emergency_2009, title = {Emergency {Politics}: {Paradox}, {Law}, {Democracy}}, isbn = {1-4008-3096-6}, shorttitle = {Emergency {Politics}}, abstract = {This book intervenes in contemporary debates about the threat posed to democratic life by political emergencies. Must emergency necessarily enhance and centralize top-down forms of sovereignty? Those who oppose executive branch enhancement often turn instead to law, insisting on the sovereignty of the rule of law or demanding that law rather than force be used to resolve conflicts with enemies. But are these the only options? Or are there more democratic ways to respond to invocations of emergency politics? Looking at how emergencies in the past and present have shaped the development of democracy, Bonnie Honig argues that democracies must resist emergency's pull to focus on life's necessities (food, security, and bare essentials) because these tend to privatize and isolate citizens rather than bring us together on behalf of hopeful futures. Emphasizing the connections between mere life and more life, emergence and emergency, Honig argues that emergencies call us to attend anew to a neglected paradox of democratic politics: that we need good citizens with aspirational ideals to make good politics while we need good politics to infuse citizens with idealism. Honig takes a broad approach to emergency, considering immigration politics, new rights claims, contemporary food politics and the infrastructure of consumption, and the limits of law during the Red Scare of the early twentieth century. Taking its bearings from Moses Mendelssohn, Franz Rosenzweig, and other Jewish thinkers, this is a major contribution to modern thought about the challenges and risks of democratic orientation and action in response to emergency.}, language = {en}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, author = {Honig, Bonnie}, month = aug, year = {2009}, keywords = {Book project, Bureaucracy, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Race and education, book revision 2025—early citations, books to get, judicial rhetoric, race and education article, sovereignty, swann}, }
@article{rawson_accessing_2009, title = {Accessing {Transgender} // {Desiring} {Queer}(er?) {Archival} {Logics}}, volume = {68}, copyright = {Copyright (c)}, issn = {1923-6409}, shorttitle = {Accessing {Transgender} // {Desiring} {Queer}(er?}, url = {http://journals.sfu.ca/archivar/index.php/archivaria/article/view/13234}, language = {en}, urldate = {2015-11-12}, journal = {Archivaria}, author = {Rawson, K. J.}, year = {2009}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings}, pages = {124--140}, }
@article{mcneal_re-segregation_2009, title = {The {Re}-{Segregation} of {Public} {Education} {Now} and {After} the {End} of {Brown} v. {Board} of {Education}}, volume = {41}, issn = {0013-1245}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013124509333578}, doi = {10.1177/0013124509333578}, abstract = {Approximately 50 years ago, Brown v. Board of Education was viewed by many as a turning point in American history that crystallized a national movement to eliminate state-enforced racially segregated public education. However, in recent years many parents, educators, and policy makers in education have begun to question whether Brown has made a substantive or symbolic impact on racially desegregating or providing quality education equity. Growing concerns about the ability of Brown to bring about meaningful desegregation and equity in education are exacerbated by the 2007 Supreme Court decision in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1. This article examines the re-segregation of public education in the post—Brown era, the implications of the recent Supreme Court ruling on voluntary integration plans, and strategies school districts may employ to promote school integration within the parameters of this Court decision.}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2017-05-03}, journal = {Education and Urban Society}, author = {McNeal, Laura R.}, month = jul, year = {2009}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {562--574}, }
@incollection{sycamore_is_2008, address = {Brooklyn}, edition = {New rev. and expanded ed}, title = {Is {Gay} {Marriage} {Racist}?}, isbn = {978-1-59376-195-0}, booktitle = {That's revolting!: queer strategies for resisting assimilation}, publisher = {Soft Skull Press : Distributed by Publishers Group West}, author = {Bailey, Marlon M. and Kandaswamy, Priya and Richardson, Mattie Udora}, editor = {Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein}, year = {2008}, note = {OCLC: ocn182552895}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, political tactics—DRI research, race and education article}, pages = {113--119}, }
@article{love_compulsory_2007, title = {Compulsory {Happiness} and {Queer} {Existence}}, volume = {63}, issn = {0950-2378}, url = {https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1G1-175632731/compulsory-happiness-and-queer-existence}, abstract = {A love that is constituted in loss is a love that yields a longing that can never be fulfilled....}, language = {eng}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {New Formations}, author = {Love, Heather}, month = dec, year = {2007}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos, need to order PDF}, pages = {52}, }
@misc{noauthor_parents_2007, title = {Parents {Involved} in {Community} {Schools} v. {Seattle} {School} {District} {No}. 1}, volume = {551}, month = jun, year = {2007}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {701}, }
@book{puar_terrorist_2007, address = {Durham}, title = {Terrorist assemblages: homonationalism in queer times}, isbn = {978-0-8223-4094-2 0-8223-4094-1 978-0-8223-4114-7 0-8223-4114-X}, shorttitle = {Terrorist assemblages}, publisher = {Duke University Press}, author = {Puar, Jasbir K.}, year = {2007}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, Race \& Media 2016—speaker sources, april 18 intro draft, book revision, book revision 2025—early citations, book thesis, book thesis—lawrence v. texas, cited in kulturkampf draft article, kulturkampf, must read, political tactics—DRI research, political tactics—assemblages, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, queer of color, queer theory, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, race and rhetoric, sovereignty}, }
@misc{bernstein_dred_2007, title = {Dred {Scott} and "{Substantive} {Due} {Process}":}, shorttitle = {Dred {Scott} and "{Substantive} {Due} {Process}"}, url = {http://volokh.com/2007/07/19/dred-scott-and-substantive-due-process-2/}, abstract = {Opponents of the use of the Due Process Clause to protect substantive rights, notably Robert Bork (see, e.g., Coercing Virtue p. 55), trace the origins of “substantive due process” to Scott v. Sandford. This is disingenuous (or perhaps ignorant) on two levels. First, there is ample evidence that Scott did not originate that the concept of due process protected rights from arbitrary government interference, especially with regard to vested property rights. Second, while Bork and others make it seem as if the due process issue was a major part of the Scott holding, in fact Justice Taney only addressed the due process issue very briefly, as part of an illustration of the fact that Congress does not have plenary powers over territories that have not yet become states. Taney’s opinion for the Court is over fifty pages long, and the entire discussion of due process takes place in just one paragraph on the fiftieth page of the opinion. Here, in context, is all Taney had to say about due process: But the power of Congress over the person or property of a citizen can never be a mere discretionary power under our Constitution and form of Government. The powers of the Government and the rights and privileges of the citizen are regulated and plainly defined by the Constitution itself. And when the Territory becomes a part of the United States, the Federal Government enters into possession in the character impressed upon it by those who created it. It enters upon it with its powers over the citizen strictly defined, and limited by the Constitution, from which it derives its own existence, and by virtue of which alone it continues to exist and act as a Government and sovereignty. It has no power of any kind beyond it; and it [...]}, urldate = {2016-02-18}, journal = {The Volokh Conspiracy}, author = {Bernstein, David}, month = jul, year = {2007}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, dissertation, dred scott, race and education article, race and law, substantive due process, volokh}, }
@article{stoutenborough_reassessing_2006, title = {Reassessing the {Impact} of {Supreme} {Court} {Decisions} on {Public} {Opinion}: {Gay} {Civil} {Rights} {Cases}}, volume = {59}, issn = {1065-9129}, shorttitle = {Reassessing the {Impact} of {Supreme} {Court} {Decisions} on {Public} {Opinion}}, url = {http://www.jstor.org.pitt.idm.oclc.org/stable/4148043}, abstract = {The theoretical and empirical debate over the ability of the U.S. Supreme Court to influence public opinion through its decisions is far from settled. Scholars have examined the question using a variety of theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence, but there is no theoretical consensus, nor are the empirical studies without methodological weaknesses. We enter this debate in an attempt to bring some clarity to the theoretical approaches, overcome some of the methodological shortcomings, and bring a yet unstudied issue area, Court decisions on gay civil rights, under scrutiny. We argue that the ability of Court decisions to influence public opinion is a function of the salience of the issue, the political context, and case specific factors at the aggregate level. At the individual level these factors are also relevant, but citizen characteristics must also be taken into consideration. Our analysis of aggregate level and individual level opinion does indeed suggest that Court decisions can influence public opinion. However, the ability of Court decisions to influence public opinion is conditional. Our findings lend support to the legitimation hypothesis and the structural effects model. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our findings and suggestions for future research.}, number = {3}, urldate = {2016-01-26}, journal = {Political Research Quarterly}, author = {Stoutenborough, James W. and Haider-Markel, Donald P. and Allen, Mahalley D.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {5-3, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Judicial argument, Lawrence influence on public opinion, Lawrence v. Texas, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, law and rhetoric, law and rhetoric—justification meowters, political science on supreme court, race and education article, scalia, supreme court and popularlity, supreme court and public opinion, supreme court and publicity}, pages = {419--433}, }
@book{lassiter_silent_2006, address = {Princeton}, series = {Politics and society in twentieth-century {America}}, title = {The silent majority: suburban politics in the {Sunbelt} {South}}, isbn = {978-0-691-09255-3 0-691-09255-9 978-0-691-13389-8 0-691-13389-1}, shorttitle = {The silent majority}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, author = {Lassiter, Matthew D.}, year = {2006}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Legal rhetoric, Race and education, book revision 2025—early citations, parents involved, race and education article, sovereignty, swann}, }
@misc{totenberg_supreme_2006, title = {Supreme {Court} to {Weigh} {Schools}' {Racial} {Plans}}, url = {http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6567985}, abstract = {The Supreme Court re-enters the world of school desegregation on Monday. In cases from Louisville, Ky., and Seattle, the justices will examine what, if any, steps school boards may use to ensure that schools are racially mixed.}, urldate = {2017-05-11}, journal = {Morning Edition}, publisher = {National Public Radio}, collaborator = {Totenberg, Nina}, month = dec, year = {2006}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, }
@article{parshall_redefining_2005, title = {Redefining {Due} {Process} {Analysis}: {Justice} {Anthony} {M}. {Kennedy} and the {Concept} of {Emergent} {Rights}}, volume = {69}, number = {1}, journal = {Albany Law Review}, author = {Parshall, Lisa K.}, year = {2005}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, romer v evans effects and emergent rights}, pages = {237--298}, }
@book{ortiz_emancipation_2005, address = {Berkeley}, title = {Emancipation betrayed: the hidden history of {Black} organizing and white violence in {Florida} from {Reconstruction} to the bloody election of 1920}, isbn = {978-0-520-23946-3}, shorttitle = {Emancipation betrayed}, publisher = {University of California Press}, author = {Ortiz, Paul}, year = {2005}, keywords = {1876 compromise, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, apportionment, book afterward—extralegal activism, book revision, book revision black organizing erasure examples, book revision methods section, book revision—moratorium on enforcement argument, book revision—prologue, book revision—section 2 argument, book thesis—appropriation argument, different things the same, enforcement acts, enforcement acts history, every cook can govern, fourteenth amendment, fourteenth amendment and fifteenth amendment, fourteenth amendment and gender, fourteenth amendment history, fourteenth amendment section 2, interest convergence, must cite, must read, new civil rights cases, nvALT notes, popular constitutionalism, quasi-judicial, reconstruction, solidarity politics, town business law vs. activism, town business quasi-legal, voting rights, voting rights and racial determinism}, }
@book{campbell_gettin_2005, title = {Gettin' {Our} {Groove} on: {Rhetoric}, {Language}, and {Literacy} for the {Hip} {Hop} {Generation}}, isbn = {978-0-8143-2925-2}, shorttitle = {Gettin' {Our} {Groove} on}, abstract = {Because of the increasing influence of hip hop music and culture on a generation raised during its dominance, it is important to address Hip hop and African American vernacular not merely as elements of folk and popular cultures but as rhetoric worthy of serious scrutiny. In Gettin’ Our Groove On, Kermit E. Campbell not only insists on this worthiness but also investigates the role that African American vernacular plays in giving a voice to the lived experiences of America’s ghetto marginalized.Campbell’s work shows the persistence and force of the vernacular tradition in the face of increasing criticism from the American mainstream. A broad area of research is covered with surprising depth as Campbell addresses issues of language and rhetoric within the historical context of African oral tradition and African American folklore, poetry, popular music, fiction, and film. The text presents gangsta/reality rap as a rhetorical tactic consistent with ghetto hustling culture, rather than just entertainment, and also explores the negation of black vernacular in the classroom that has resulted in misguided approaches to teaching literacy to black students. Itself infused with the Hip hop idiom and an engaging style free of academic jargon, Gettin’ Our Groove On presents a thorough and provocative contribution to cultural and rhetorical studies.}, language = {en}, publisher = {Wayne State University Press}, author = {Campbell, Kermit Ernest}, year = {2005}, note = {Google-Books-ID: gjsjb0QGCJIC}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, race and rhetoric}, }
@misc{noauthor_city_2005, title = {{CITY} {OF} {SHERRILL}, {NEW} {YORK} v. {ONEIDA} {INDIAN} {NATION} {OF} {NEW} {YORK} et al.}, volume = {544}, url = {https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/03-855.ZS.html}, month = mar, year = {2005}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, Legal rhetoric, critical legal rhetoric, critical race theory, indigeneity, race and law, sovereignty}, pages = {197}, }
@book{ferguson_aberrations_2004, address = {Minneapolis}, series = {Critical {American} studies series}, title = {Aberrations in black: toward a queer of color critique}, isbn = {978-0-8166-4128-4 978-0-8166-4129-1}, shorttitle = {Aberrations in black}, publisher = {University of Minnesota Press}, author = {Ferguson, Roderick A.}, year = {2004}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and rhetoric}, }
@article{mcwhorter_sex_2004, title = {Sex, {Race}, and {Biopower}: {A} {Foucauldian} {Genealogy}}, volume = {19}, issn = {1527-2001}, shorttitle = {Sex, {Race}, and {Biopower}}, url = {https://muse-jhu-edu.pitt.idm.oclc.org/journals/hypatia/v019/19.3mcwhorter.html}, number = {3}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Hypatia}, author = {McWhorter, Ladelle}, year = {2004}, note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}Volume 19, Number 3, Summer 2004{\textless}/p{\textgreater}}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Intersectionality, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Race and education, SBS, book revision 2025—early citations, like race arguments, queer of color, race and education article, sideways}, pages = {38--62}, }
@book{butler_undoing_2004, address = {New York ; London}, title = {Undoing gender}, isbn = {0-415-96922-0}, publisher = {Routledge}, author = {Butler, Judith}, year = {2004}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, }
@article{tillman_intended_2004, title = {({Un}){Intended} {Consequences}?: {The} {Impact} of the {Brown} v. {Board} of {Education} {Decision} on the {Employment} {Status} of {Black} {Educators}}, volume = {36}, issn = {00131245, 00000000}, shorttitle = {({Un}){Intended} {Consequences}?}, url = {http://eus.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.1177/0013124504264360}, doi = {10.1177/0013124504264360}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2014-07-18}, journal = {Education and Urban Society}, author = {Tillman, Linda C.}, month = may, year = {2004}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero}, pages = {280--303}, }
@book{lugones_pilgrimagesperegrinajes_2003, title = {Pilgrimages/{Peregrinajes}: {Theorizing} {Coalition} {Against} {Multiple} {Oppressions}}, isbn = {978-1-4616-4090-5}, shorttitle = {Pilgrimages/{Peregrinajes}}, abstract = {Mar'a Lugones, one of the premiere figures in feminist philosophy, has at last collected some of her most famous essays, as well as some lesser-known gems, into her first book, Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes. A deeply original essayist, Lugones writes from her own perspective as an inhabitant of a number of different 'worlds.' Born in Argentina but living for a number of years in the United States, she sees herself as neither quite a U.S. citizen, nor quite an Argentine. An activist against the oppression of Latino/a people by the dominant U.S. culture, she is also an academic participating in the privileges of that culture. A lesbian, she experiences homophobia in both Anglo and Latino world. A woman, she moves uneasily in the world of patriarchy. Lugones writes out of multiple and conflicting subjectivities that shape her sense of who she is, resisting the demand for a unified self in light of her necessary ambiguities. Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes explores the possibility of deep coalition with other women of color, based on 'multiple understandings of oppressions and resistances'—understandings whose logic she subjects to philosophical investigation.}, language = {en}, publisher = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers}, author = {Lugones, María}, month = apr, year = {2003}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{noauthor_lawrence_2003, title = {Lawrence v. {Texas}}, volume = {539}, month = jun, year = {2003}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, RPA draft citations, book revision 2025—early citations, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {558}, }
@article{puar_monster_2002, title = {Monster, {Terrorist}, {Fag}: {The} {War} on {Terrorism} and the {Production} of {Docile} {Patriots}}, volume = {20}, issn = {1527-1951}, shorttitle = {Monster, {Terrorist}, {Fag}}, url = {https://muse.jhu.edu/journals/social_text/v020/20.3puar.html}, number = {3}, urldate = {2016-01-25}, journal = {Social Text}, author = {Puar, Jasbir K. and Rai, Amit S.}, year = {2002}, note = {{\textless}p{\textgreater}72 (Volume 20, Number 3), Fall 2002{\textless}/p{\textgreater}}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, political tactics—DRI research, political tactics—assemblages, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, race and rhetoric}, pages = {117--148}, }
@book{wilson_reconstruction_2002, address = {East Lansing}, title = {The {Reconstruction} {Desegregation} {Debate}: {The} {Politics} of {Equality} and the {Rhetoric} of {Place}, 1870–1875}, publisher = {Michigan State University Press}, author = {Wilson, Kirt H.}, year = {2002}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, }
@book{phelan_sexual_2001, address = {Philadelphia}, title = {Sexual strangers: gays, lesbians, and dilemmas of citizenship}, isbn = {1-56639-827-4 1-56639-828-2}, shorttitle = {Sexual strangers}, publisher = {Temple University Press}, author = {Phelan, Shane}, year = {2001}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, citizenship, queer, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, sovereignty}, }
@misc{noauthor_parents_2001, title = {Parents {Involved} in {Community} {Schools} v. {Seattle} {School} {Dist}. {No}. 1}, volume = {137}, month = apr, year = {2001}, note = {mlzsync1:0062\{"type":"case","extrafields":\{"jurisdiction":"WD Washington"\}\}}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {1224}, }
@article{jacobs_rhetoric_2000, title = {Rhetoric and {Dialectic} from the {Standpoint} of {Normative} {Pragmatics}}, volume = {14}, issn = {0920427X}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=ufh&AN=11307263&scope=site}, abstract = {Normative pragmatics can bridge the differences between dialectical and rhetorical theories in a way that saves the central insights of both. Normative pragmatics calls attention to how the manifest strategic design of a message produces interpretive effects and interactional consequences. Argumentative analysis of messages should begin with the manifest persuasive rationale they communicate. But not all persuasive inducements should be treated as arguments. Arguments express with a special pragmatic force propositions where those propositions stand in particular inferential relations to one another. Normative pragmatics provides a framework within which varieties of propositional inference and pragmatic force may be kept straight. Normative pragmatics conceptualizes argumentative effectiveness in a way that integrates notions of rhetorical strategy and rhetorical situation with dialectical norms and procedures for reasonable deliberation. Strategic effectiveness should be seen in terms of maximizing the chances that claims and arguments will be reasonably evaluated, whether or not they are accepted. Procedural rationality should be seen in terms of adjustment to the demands of concrete circumstances. Two types of adjustment are illustrated: rhetorical strategies for framing the conditions for dialectical deliberation and rhetorical strategies for making do with limitations to dialectical deliberation.}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-03-20}, journal = {Argumentation}, author = {Jacobs, Scott}, month = aug, year = {2000}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {261--286}, }
@book{smith_home_2000, address = {New Brunswick, N.J}, title = {Home girls: a {Black} feminist anthology}, isbn = {0-8135-2753-8}, shorttitle = {Home girls}, publisher = {Rutgers University Press}, editor = {Smith, Barbara}, year = {2000}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@book{somerville_queering_2000, address = {Durham}, title = {Queering the color line: race and the invention of homosexuality in {American} culture}, isbn = {0-8223-2407-5 0-8223-2443-1}, shorttitle = {Queering the color line}, publisher = {Duke University Press}, author = {Somerville, Siobhan B.}, year = {2000}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, SBS, bibliography for possible project, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, queer of color, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, race and rhetoric}, }
@incollection{smith_coalition_2000, address = {New Brunswick, N.J}, title = {Coalition {Politics}: {Turning} the {Century}}, isbn = {0-8135-2753-8}, booktitle = {Home girls: a {Black} feminist anthology}, publisher = {Rutgers University Press}, author = {Johnson Reagon, Bernice}, editor = {Smith, Barbara}, year = {2000}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, pages = {343--356}, }
@article{berlant_sex_1998, title = {Sex in {Public}}, volume = {24}, issn = {0093-1896}, url = {http://www.jstor.org.pitt.idm.oclc.org/stable/1344178}, number = {2}, urldate = {2016-01-12}, journal = {Critical Inquiry}, author = {Berlant, Lauren and Warner, Michael}, year = {1998}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, queer legal theory, queer theory, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, sex offense}, pages = {547--566}, }
@book{agamben_homo_1998, address = {Stanford, Calif}, series = {Meridian}, title = {Homo sacer}, isbn = {0-8047-3217-5}, publisher = {Stanford University Press}, author = {Agamben, Giorgio}, year = {1998}, keywords = {Box3, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, UPS mailed Pitt office, campbell library}, }
@book{george_burning_1998, address = {Boulder, CO}, title = {Burning down the house: recycling domesticity}, isbn = {978-0-8133-3425-7}, shorttitle = {Burning down the house}, publisher = {Westview Press}, editor = {George, Rosemary Marangoly}, year = {1998}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, political tactics—DRI research, race and education article}, }
@book{schudson_good_1998, address = {New York}, title = {The good citizen: a history of {American} civic life}, isbn = {978-0-684-82729-2}, shorttitle = {The good citizen}, publisher = {Martin Kessler Books}, author = {Schudson, Michael}, year = {1998}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Hillman collection, RPA corrosive collocation draft citations, beautiful world, book preface—liberalism, book revision, book revision preface sources, book thesis—alchemical rights, book thesis—assumptions, book thesis—aune thesis, book thesis—beautiful world, book thesis—carolene products, book thesis—common law tradition, book thesis—judicial style, book thesis—liberalism, book thesis—progressivism, book thesis—rights, carolene products footnote four, coda, collocation, conclusion, corrosive collocation article, courtly style, enforcement acts, fourteenth amendment, introduction, judcial style, judicial rhetoric, law and culture, must cite, must read, nvALT notes, prologue—carolene products timeline, prologue—progressivism timeline, prologue—tiers timeline, substantive due process, substantive due process and neoliberalism}, }
@incollection{george_home_1998, address = {Boulder, CO}, title = {Home, {Houses}, {Non}-{Identity}: {Paris} is {Burning}}, isbn = {978-0-8133-3425-7}, booktitle = {Burning down the house: recycling domesticity}, publisher = {Westview Press}, author = {Reddy, Chandan}, editor = {George, Rosemary Marangoly}, year = {1998}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and rhetoric}, pages = {355--379}, }
@misc{jhally_bell_1997, title = {bell hooks—{Cultural} {Criticism} \& {Transformation}}, publisher = {Media Education Foundation}, author = {Jhally, Sut}, collaborator = {Jhally, Sut and hooks, bell}, year = {1997}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, }
@article{cohen_punks_1997, title = {Punks, {Bulldaggers}, and {Welfare} {Queens}: {The} {Radical} {Potential} of {Queer} {Politics}?}, volume = {3}, issn = {1064-2684, 1527-9375}, shorttitle = {Punks, {Bulldaggers}, and {Welfare} {Queens}}, url = {http://glq.dukejournals.org.pitt.idm.oclc.org/content/3/4/437}, doi = {10.1215/10642684-3-4-437}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2016-01-12}, journal = {GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies}, author = {Cohen, Cathy J.}, month = may, year = {1997}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, critical race feminism, queer of color, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {437--465}, }
@book{hartman_scenes_1997, address = {New York}, series = {Race and {American} culture}, title = {Scenes of subjection: terror, slavery, and self-making in nineteenth-century {America}}, isbn = {978-0-19-508983-7 978-0-19-508984-4}, shorttitle = {Scenes of subjection}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Hartman, Saidiya V.}, year = {1997}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Hillman—EZ borrow, PJ one paragraph negation of personhood, RMCSF20, Race \& Media 2016—speaker sources, book introduction, book revision, book revision rhetorical theory, book revision—assumptions, book theory, book theory rhetorical theory, book thesis, book thesis—after PJ talk, book thesis—appropriation argument, book thesis—assumptions, book thesis—judicial personhood, book thesis—judicial race determinism, book thesis—nominalism, book thesis—queer judicial race theories, book thesis—racial capitalism, book thesis—racial formation, book thesis—radical form reactionary ends, book thesis—three horsemen, campbell annotations rare—important notes, eugene box 25, hartman, judicial race determinism, must cite, must read, negation of personhood, negation of personhood rhetoric, nominalism and anti-nominalism, personhood, rhetoric and negation, rhetorical subjectivity, rhetorical subjects, sophistry, subjectivity, subjects before the law, teacher cat}, }
@book{hariman_political_1995, address = {Chicago}, series = {New practices of inquiry}, title = {Political style: the artistry of power}, isbn = {0-226-31629-7 0-226-31630-0}, shorttitle = {Political style}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, author = {Hariman, Robert}, year = {1995}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI early research 2007-2021/book revision 2025—early citations/Alabama Press submission citations, DRI zotero, Hillman collection, april 18 intro draft, book revision, book revision—preface, book thesis—judicial style, judicial style, kennedy picture, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, wages of kennedy nostalgia, why prologue}, }
@article{gotanda_critique_1991, title = {A {Critique} of "{Our} {Constitution} {Is} {Color}-{Blind}"}, volume = {44}, issn = {0038-9765}, url = {http://www.jstor.org.pitt.idm.oclc.org/stable/1228940}, doi = {10.2307/1228940}, number = {1}, urldate = {2017-02-22}, journal = {Stanford Law Review}, author = {Gotanda, Neil}, year = {1991}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI prospectus sources, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, pages = {1--68}, }
@book{williams_alchemy_1991, address = {Cambridge}, title = {The alchemy of race and rights: diary of a law professor}, isbn = {0-674-01470-7 978-0-674-01470-1 0-674-01471-5 978-0-674-01471-8}, language = {English}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, author = {Williams, Patricia J}, year = {1991}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Alabama Press submission citations—casey chapter, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, WSC abortion article, WSC abortion article citations, april 18 intro draft, book revision, book revision 2025—early citations, book thesis, book thesis—judicial style, campbell annotations, critical race theory, critical race theory and critical legal studies, critical race theory and modalities, eugene box 26, judicial style, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, race and education article}, }
@article{crenshaw_mapping_1991, title = {Mapping the {Margins}: {Intersectionality}, {Identity} {Politics}, and {Violence} against {Women} of {Color}}, volume = {43}, issn = {0038-9765}, shorttitle = {Mapping the {Margins}}, url = {http://www.jstor.org.pitt.idm.oclc.org/stable/1229039}, doi = {10.2307/1229039}, number = {6}, urldate = {2017-07-18}, journal = {Stanford Law Review}, author = {Crenshaw, Kimberle}, year = {1991}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {1241--1299}, }
@book{foucault_history_1990, address = {New York}, edition = {Vintage Books ed}, title = {The history of sexuality, vol. 1: an introduction}, isbn = {978-0-679-72469-8 978-0-394-75122-1 978-0-394-74155-0}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Vintage Books}, author = {Foucault, Michel}, year = {1990}, note = {OCLC: ocm24586984}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, bibliography for possible project, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations}, }
@book{voloshinov_freudianism_1987, address = {Bloomington}, series = {A {Midland} book}, title = {Freudianism: a critical sketch}, isbn = {0-253-20456-9}, shorttitle = {Freudianism}, language = {engrus}, number = {MB 456}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, author = {Voloshinov, V. N.}, editor = {Bruss, Neal H.}, translator = {Titunik, I.R.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Rhetoric, bakhtin school, persuasion}, }
@incollection{voloshinov_discourse_1987, address = {Bloomington}, series = {A {Midland} book}, title = {Discourse in {Life} and {Discourse} in {Art} ({Concerning} {Sociological} {Poetics})}, isbn = {0-253-20456-9}, language = {engrus}, number = {MB 456}, booktitle = {Freudianism: a critical sketch}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, author = {Voloshinov, V. N.}, editor = {Bruss, Neal H.}, translator = {Titunik, I.R.}, year = {1987}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Rhetoric, bakhtin school, persuasion}, pages = {93--116}, }
@misc{opinion_of_white_j_bowers_1986, title = {Bowers v. {Hardwick}}, volume = {478}, author = {{Opinion of White, J.}}, month = jun, year = {1986}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, Sodomy, book revision 2025—early citations, dissertation, race and education article, sodomy, sodomy law, substantive due process}, pages = {186}, }
@book{deleuze_anti-oedipus_1983, address = {Minneapolis}, title = {Anti-{Oedipus}: capitalism and schizophrenia}, isbn = {978-0-8166-1225-3}, shorttitle = {Anti-{Oedipus}}, language = {eng}, publisher = {University of Minnesota Press}, author = {Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Félix}, collaborator = {Foucault, Michelle and Seem, Mark}, year = {1983}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, assemblage, assemblage method, book methods assemblage, book methods different things the same, book methods section, book revision assemblage, book revision introduction, book revision methods section, book revision nominalism, book revision theory, book theory, introduction, nominalism and anti-nominalism, nominalism and foucault, nominalism and liberalism, nominalism and rights}, }
@article{goodnight_personal_1982, title = {The {Personal}, {Technical}, and {Public} {Spheres} of {Argument}: {A} {Speculative} {Inquiry} into the {Art} of {Public} {Deliberation}}, volume = {18}, journal = {Journal of the American Forensics Association}, author = {Goodnight, G. Thomas}, year = {1982}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, race and education article}, pages = {214--227}, }
@article{dockhorn_hans-georg_1980, title = {Hans-{Georg} {Gadamer}'s "{Truth} and {Method}"}, volume = {13}, issn = {0031-8213}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/40237149}, number = {3}, urldate = {2019-02-06}, journal = {Philosophy \& Rhetoric}, author = {Dockhorn, Klaus and Brown, Marvin}, year = {1980}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, book revision 2025—early citations, nominalism chapter, nominalism in rhetoric}, pages = {160--180}, }
@book{said_orientalism_1979, address = {New York}, title = {Orientalism}, isbn = {0-394-74067-X}, publisher = {Vintage Books}, author = {Said, Edward W.}, year = {1979}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, Court and nominalism, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Kennedy and nominalism, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, Race \& Media 2016—speaker sources, Spillers, Hortense J, book methods section, book revision 2025—book methods old citations, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision introduction, campbell library, dominative mode, eugene box 21, nominalism, political tactics—DRI research, political tactics—assemblages, race and education article, race and education article submission citations, spillers interstices}, }
@book{black_rhetorical_1978, address = {Madison}, title = {Rhetorical {Criticism}: {A} {Study} in {Method}}, isbn = {978-0-299-07554-5}, shorttitle = {Rhetorical {Criticism}}, abstract = {Winner, Speech Communication Association Award for Distinguished Scholarship This is a book that, almost singlehandedly, freed scholars from the narrow constraints of a single critical paradigm and created a new era in the study of public discourse. Its original publication in 1965 created a spirited controversy. Here Edwin Black examines the assumptions and principles underlying neo-Aristotelian theory and suggests an alternative approach to criticism, centering around the concept of the "rhetorical transaction." This new edition, containing Black's new introduction, will enable students and scholars to secure a copy of one of the most influential books ever written in the field.}, language = {en}, publisher = {Univ of Wisconsin Press}, author = {Black, Edwin}, month = jan, year = {1978}, note = {Google-Books-ID: lVG\_dCNbYo4C}, keywords = {Alabama Press submission citations, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, QJS draft citations, QJS submission citations, book revision 2025—early citations, nominalism chapter, nominalism in rhetoric, race and education article, race and education article submission citations}, }
@article{brockriede_rhetorical_1974, title = {Rhetorical {Criticism} as {Argument}}, volume = {60}, issn = {00335630}, url = {http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,uid&db=ufh&AN=9938533&scope=site}, doi = {10.1080/00335637409383222}, abstract = {Focuses on the argument in the form of rhetorical criticism. Evaluation of experiences by critic; Applicability of relationship between criticism and argument on human experience; Characteristics of criticism which imply on argument continuum; Examples of critical evaluation to make significance of arguments; Significance of information for critics who make significant arguments.}, number = {2}, urldate = {2016-01-07}, journal = {Quarterly Journal of Speech}, author = {Brockriede, Wayne}, month = apr, year = {1974}, keywords = {DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, queer inscriptions, queer inscriptions syllabus readings, race and education article}, pages = {165}, }
@misc{noauthor_evans_1966, title = {Evans v. {Newton}}, volume = {382}, url = {https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/382/296}, urldate = {2016-02-17}, month = jan, year = {1966}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Fourteenth Amendment, Race, equal protection, sovereignty, state actor, the good wife}, pages = {296}, }
@misc{noauthor_marsh_1946, title = {Marsh v. {Alabama}}, volume = {326}, url = {https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/326/501}, urldate = {2016-02-17}, month = jan, year = {1946}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Judicial argument, sovereignty, state actor, the good wife}, pages = {501}, }
@book{mckechnie_magna_1914, address = {Glasgow}, edition = {2nd Edition}, title = {Magna {Carta}: {A} {Commentary} on the {Great} {Charter} of {King} {John}, {With} an {Historical} {Introduction}}, publisher = {James MacLehose and Sons, Publishers to the University}, author = {McKechnie, William Sharp}, year = {1914}, keywords = {ACLS, ACLS application sources, Alabama Press submission citations, Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision, book revision 2025—early citations, book revision 2025—early race and due process citations, book revision constitutionalism, constitution and common law, constitutional history, dissertation, due process, due process history, introduction, magna carta, originalism, procedural due process, race and education article, substantive due process, whiggish history}, }
@misc{noauthor_murrays_1856, title = {Murray's {Lessee} v. {Hoboken} {Land} \& {Improvement} {Company}}, volume = {59}, month = feb, year = {1856}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Lawrence\_Parents Involved chapter, book revision 2025—early citations, dissertation, due process, fisher article, procedural due process, race and education article}, pages = {(18 How.) 272}, }
@misc{gladstone_friday_nodate, title = {Friday, {February} 19: {The} {Supreme} {Court}, {Explained}}, url = {http://www.onthemedia.org/story/on-the-media-2016-02-19/?utm_source=sharedUrl&utm_medium=metatag&utm_campaign=sharedUrl}, abstract = {Justice Scalia's death has ignited a political battle over his replacement. We revisit our special hour on the mysterious workings of the Supreme Court.}, urldate = {2016-02-21}, author = {Gladstone, Brooke and Garfield, Bob}, keywords = {Book project, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Judicial argument, SCOTUS and framing, SCOTUS and popular media, SCOTUS decisionmaking, SCOTUS greenhouse effect, amplification effect, judicial decisionmaking, supreme court and public opinion, teacher cat, teaching SCOTUS, teaching law}, }
@misc{native_nyer_latina_nodate, title = {{LATINA} {BOOK} {CLUB}: {REVIEW}: {CHOPPER}! {CHOPPER}! {Poetry} from {Bordered} {Lives} by {Verónica} {Reyes}}, shorttitle = {{LATINA} {BOOK} {CLUB}}, url = {http://www.latinabookclub.com/2014/03/review-chopper-chopper-poetry-from.html}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, author = {Native NYer}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{noauthor_therealuw_nodate, type = {Twitter feed}, title = {\#{TheRealUW}}, url = {https://twitter.com/search?q=%23therealUW&src=tyah}, journal = {Twitter}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }
@misc{noauthor_myisha_nodate, title = {Myisha {Arellanus}}, url = {http://myishaarellanus.com/}, urldate = {2016-04-01}, journal = {Myisha Arellanus}, keywords = {Chávez keynote doing the body, DRI early research 2007-2021, DRI zotero, Pitt GSWS doing the body conference, chavez on queer status quos}, }